Watertown sd drivers exam station
Watertown sd drivers exam station

watertown sd drivers exam station

Parents helped out by bringing their youngsters into school, in many cases. * But school went on anyway, and the few buses that were still operable picked up rural students on main roads. Johns school buses Mondaynight, putting them out of commission for part of Tuesday.

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15 buses Vandals apparently bent on not going to school attacked 15 St.

#Watertown sd drivers exam station professional#

No general community campaign for funds is contemplated, but a limited solicitation of area industrial, business and professional firms is under way. Other funds are being supplied through liquidation of the hospitals unrestricted endowment and loans negotiated by the hospital board. A major contribution to the financing of the project is a federal HUl-Burton grant of $560,- Q00. Construction work began last August and completion is scheduled for mid-september of Total cost of the project, including new equipment, will be in excess of $1,100,000.

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Metzel, general manager of Oldsmobile and a GM vice president THE EXPANSON at Clinton Memorial Hospital involves the erection of sizeable additions to the present 40-year-old structure and extensive improvements to existing facilities. Johns, chairman of the hospital board, expressed his communitys gratitude, for the companys gift when presentation of the $25,000 check was made in Lansing by Harold N. 1,1967 THS TME LAST YEAR: 3 of the hospitals service to GM employees in the St. presented their computer /service program designed especially for road commissions. The program was on roadside weed and, brush spray and data processing. THE COMMSSONERS, engineer and clerk attended the seven-county council last week. Also up for bid taking s the March and April requirement of gasoline. Bids will be opened for the years requirements for salt and calcium chloride. The board of road commissioners will hold their next regular meeting this Friday. Total income from all sources was over $1 million for the first time, the largest item being of course, from-the motor vehicle highway fund that accounts for 80 per cent of the total. Final figures on the annual financial report for 1966 show that expenditures exceeded income by $41, The largest expense item was $320, for local road maintenance, followed by $303, for primary construction. WNTER MANTENANCE has kept road crews working for five consecutive weekends. "Adjustment of some of this years* road programs will be necessary to compensate for this additional cost," he said. The storm of late January and the subsequent snows and drifting cost Clinton County$86,, or 10 per cent of the road commissions yearly income, Ewing said. The donation was recommended by members of GMs Lansing Plant-City Committee on behalf of Oldsmobile and Fisher Body Divisions and is in recognition Snow cleanup costly Taking care of Clinton Countys road system is a costly business, at least this winter, according to the weekly report from Road Commission Clerk Don Ewing. lias made a contribution of $25,000 to assist n the financing of the current building expansion project at Clinton Memorial Hospital in St.

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Johns native 100 years old A w t i * GM donates S Jww*J+*pit********** " ** A*M"W**M**\ VA(.»^l - \ft -$* $ 25,000 to - si hospital General Motors Corp. 1 ) NSDE: Nighttime Soap Box Derby See B r Teen activities page Pages 6 and 7 B City treasurer resigns A St.

Watertown sd drivers exam station