“Fluid animation, insane combos, disturbing weapons and creeping mental illness are set to collide in a very bad way when this game launches.”The announcement of the game is also accompanied by the launch of the game's website and a trailer, both visible via the external link below.
“Put simply, we are taking The Dishwasher to a bigger, better and more badass level,” said Ska Studios founder James Silva. The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile comes with two solo character campaigns as well as a co-op campaign, 50 quick arcade challenges and an endless Dish Challenge. Gamers will wield new weapons like the Violence Hammer, whose business end consists of a section of girder wrapped in barbed wire and random hardware, and the Painkiller, a six foot long syringe. The followup to 2009’s The Dishwasher: Dead Samurai, The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile is a combo-fueled, fast-paced, stylistic 2D action platformer that features the series’ staple gritty, graphic novel-inspired art style, built on a brand new engine that allows for an even more visually gruesome experience. Additionally, it was announced that The Dishwasher fans will be able to experience Vampire Smile at the Ska Studios booth during the PAX East expo that is taking place March 26-28 in Boston. Ska Studios today proudly unveiled their latest project, The Dishwasher: Vampire Smile, and confirmed that it will release “when it’s done” exclusively on Xbox LIVE Arcade, the premier destination for downloadable games.